This is real life incident, which took place nearly 25 years ago during the period when war between India and Pakistan took place. I was around 12 years of age then and witnessed the whole incident with my naked eyes for nearly 4-6 hours right form the late evening to wee hours of the morning. I lost the count of time, as I was so engrossed into it with feeling of pain, anger, disgust and excitement. My Father was a clerk in Forest Department of UP government in a place Called Chilla in Hardwar District. This place is very beautiful and scenic and our small colony consisting of mostly forest and hydel people was situated just besides a big dam. Our house was situated on the outer periphery of the colony beyond which was deep and dense jungle. It was an old British style bungalow with 3 rooms, courtyard, verandah and lot of space for garden and lawn on which mostly wild variety of trees and bushes were standing. There were lot of bushes, wild plants and sapling all around the house. M...